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Friday, October 19, 2007

SEO quote of the day

Be perfect and a link is what you get

Previous SEO quotes:
1. Domains are like wine : Older the domain, better are the SERPs - SEO quote by SEOv

2. Rankings are like virginity one Fuck and all gone - SEOv original quote

3. "Web Stats are like biknis they reveal a lot but hide the actual thing." - Remixed from Sidhuism I'd suggest visit ICCCricket blog for more on Sidhuism

4. If Content is King, then Links are Queen - Search Engine Optimisation Quote

5. “Its better to have linked and lost then to never have linked at all” - Link exchange quote by SEOv


The SEO Marketing Company

The SEO Marketing is a search engine marketing company that offers SEO & SEM services like link building, PPC, social media optimization, blog and article syndication and lot more. For more information visit: